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                        MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2025
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Ukrainian Journal, the leading provider of breaking political and business news from Ukraine in English language, offers a line of information products tailored to meet your needs.

1. Ukrainian Journal, a daily newsletter with an easy-to-read layout in PDF format, is emailed to subscribers early in the morning each business day. It gives you access to breaking news the same time the issues appear on the desks of key foreign diplomats and business leaders.

2. UkrainianJournal.com, a Web-based source of daily news, gives you access to the news that have been published by Ukrainian Journal, but also to other features, such as comments and analyses from leading experts. It runs a searchable archive of articles, an indispensable tool that allows quickly retrieving stories on the topic of interest.

3. UJ WEEK, a Web-based source of the week's most important stories that have been published by Ukrainian Journal. It also gives full access to the searchable archive of UkrainianJournal.com accept for the most recent articles.

Subscription prices:

1. Ukrainian Journal, the daily newsletter, is available at $795 a year ($67 a month);

2. UkrainianJournal.com is available at $195 a year ($17 a month);

3. UJ WEEK is available at $95 a year ($8 a month);

*Special discounts are available to corporate subscribers, and also to students and professors.

**Subscribers to Ukrainian Journal, the newsletter, qualify for a special discount on all Web-based products, such as UkrainianJournal.com and UJ WEEK.

For a FREE two-week trial subscription, please register at UkrainianJournal.com by clicking on Registration link in the login box on the front page.

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USD 42.24 42.23
RUR 0.402 0.395
EUR 43.43 43.88

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PFTS 507.0 507.0
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