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                        MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2025
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IMF official says Ukraine is a “good borrower” and needs to win the war
Journal Staff Report

KYIV, Nov 22 – In recent years, Ukraine has shown very well that it is a good borrower and has a good plan for repaying the debt, so it is more profitable for Ukraine’s partners to provide financing to the country now, not allowing it to lose the war, according to IMF Resident Representative in Ukraine Priscilla Toffano.

"Ukraine has been, in my opinion, very good in these years to make the case that it is a good borrower, and it has a good plan to repay. And I think also it has been a country which has been very good to show that its cause is worth it. Financing this country now is worth it. Not only on a value base, on a sort of principle or moral base, but it can be cheaper for its allies. It can be cheaper to finance Ukraine now, and to avoid that Ukraine loses the war, rather than having to absorb the cost of extra defense later, or the cost of refugees later, if Ukraine loses the war," she said at the conference "Reforms Matrix: Strengthening the Foundations of Economic Growth for EU Accession" in Kyiv on Thursday.

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